wishes for the world

Wishes for the World

What better time of year than New Year's Eve to consider our 'wishes for the world'? Have you given it any thought, my friends? My 'wishes for the world' can be summed up very simply in just one word -…
thick yoga mat

Choosing a Thick Yoga Mat

Most people looking to buy a thick yoga mat are no doubt doing so for increased comfort, especially for their knees and wrists. You may want a thick yoga mat because you have arthritis or carpal tunnel syndrome, or maybe…
where is god

Where is God?

Have you ever thought about where God actually is? Does He reside in Heaven? Or could it be that God is not an external being to be observed, but rather a universal truth that lies within each and every one…
christmas gifts for yoga lovers

Christmas Gifts for Yoga Lovers

The smug messages have already hit social media, haven't they? People who bought their Christmas presents before Easter are now announcing that they are all wrapped and they are sitting by their extravagantly decorated Christmas trees waiting for their Christmas…
communication with patients

Communication with Patients

A patient came to see me the other day with an exacerbation of his chronic low back pain. He told me of a previous episode of physiotherapy treatment a few years back and how the physiotherapist would repeatedly tell him…

My spiritual shelfie

I have been buying books faster than I can read them for a long time now and, of those that I have read, I have forgotten a lot. So, I have challenged myself to read (or re-read) every single one…
becoming real

Becoming Real

The Pavamana Mantra is a Hindu mantra introduced in the Brhadaranyaka Upanishad (1.3.28). The text of the mantra reads, "asato ma sadgamaya, tamaso ma jyotirgamaya, mrtyorma amrtam gamaya." This translates to, "from the unreal lead me to the real, from…
domestic bliss

Domestic Bliss

According to a study into the home lives of 2,000 British families by Origin, manufacturer of bespoke sliding doors, the key to achieving domestic bliss is eating four meals together per week, having more than one tablet and a Netflix…
a smile costs nothing

A smile costs nothing

A smile costs nothing, but it really can make such a difference to a person. Consider doctors mumbling amongst themselves at the foot of a patient’s bed before moving on with their ward round without so much as a greeting…
jolly life up and gallop

Jolly Life Up… and Gallop!

Miranda has to be one of my top two favourite comedy shows, (the other being Blackbooks). Of course, Miranda Hart is a brilliant actress and I really enjoyed Call the Midwife (which she starred in) but her own show, Miranda,…
michael cremo

Michael Cremo: Evolution or Devolution?

The now dominant evolutionary views about human origins and antiquity report humans like ourselves to have existed for only about 100,000 or 200,000 years, preceded only by more primitive human ancestors. This is what most of us accept as scientific…

Discover Your Archetypes

I was recently introduced to the concept of Archetypes - patterns of behaviour which can be described as our soul's blueprint. There are 12 archetypes which can occur in any combination in each of us, and this combination can change…
wealth psychology

Wealth Psychology

Today I want to write about a topic which I'm sure will interest my fellow bloggers and entrepreneurs: wealth psychology. Last week, my mum and I had the pleasure of attending a 3-day Entrepreneur’s Bootcamp in Brighton, organised by Andrew…
Mooladhara Chakra

Mooladhara Chakra

Location & Kshetram: In males - in the perineum, close to the anus. In females - at the cervix. Gland: Testes & adrenals Plexus: Sacral Plexus Colour: Red Sense: Smell Element: Earth Organs/ Body Parts: physical body support, base of…