
fun ways to exercise

22 Fun Ways to Exercise

If you're someone who hates exercise, then I'm here to tell you that it doesn't need to be that way. If huffing, puffing and sweating your way through a spin class doesn't rock your boat and the gym just isn't…
aqua jogging

Aqua Jogging in Deep Water

Aqua Jogging in deep water is an extremely fast, effective yet low-impact way of getting into shape. Let's take a look at the benefits... Whilst running is one of the best forms of cardio-vascular exercise, it is also one of…
yoga abs workout

A “Kick Ass Abs Workout”

A month ago, I started a 30-Day Yoga Challenge, taught by Erin Motz. The challenge is entirely free, suitable for everyone and is simply available on YouTube. I like to experience the styles of different yoga teachers. I take particular…
benefits of rebounding

The Benefits of Rebounding

Rebounding is fun, easy, and safe for almost anybody of any age. It’s quoted by NASA as “the most efficient and effective exercise yet devised by man”. The health benefits of rebounding are amazing... and you can even do it…